Women of Faith

Building a Community of Women of Faith Committed to Growing and Making a Difference in their Journey with God

Welcome to Women of Faith, we believe women have a vital role to play in advancing the kingdom of God. Women are uniquely gifted and called by God to serve in a variety of ways, including leading worship, preaching, teaching, evangelizing, counselling, and serving in administrative roles.

Throughout the history of the Church, women have made significant contributions to the spread of the Gospel and the growth of the Church. Today, women continue to serve as leaders, mentors, and role models in Christian ministry, using their gifts and talents to serve God and others.

We recognize the importance and value of women’s contribution to Christian ministry and we provide opportunities for them to use their gifts and talents to serve God and His people in various capacities. We believe that every woman has the potential to make a positive impact in the world, and our goal is to help women discover and develop their God-given purpose.

Liji Beril

Women Of Faith

Sheema Varghese

Women of Faith